The longest period of time was spent underground by anthracite coal, which was taken from the planet’s earliest geological formations. The coal is the hardest and most compacted coal that is currently accessible since it has been exposed to the maximum heat and pressure. Greater thermal energy may be generated by hard coal than by softer, geologically “newer” coal. Find out 5 key facts of anthracite coal by reading on!
About Anthracite Coal
Hard coal is a more common name for anthracite coal. The maximum heat output of any fossil fuel is produced by anthracite coal, which has a low sulfur level and a high carbon content. Anthracite coal also burns very cleanly. It is now much simpler to operate because of advancements in technology and burner technical design. Anthracite coal nearly eliminates smoke and particle emissions, which is a significant issue with stoves that burn cord wood and pellets. Additionally, it prevents creosote buildup in your chimney, a possible fire danger seen in cord wood and pellet burning stoves, from remaining.
Environmentally Cleaner Than Other Fossil Fuels
Anthracite coal almost never emits smoke or particles because of its low sulfur level. Stoves that burn cord wood and pellets have a serious issue with this. In sections of the nation where wood stoves are prohibited owing to air pollution and the danger of forest fires from blazing embers from chimneys, modern anthracite coal burning stoves and furnaces, like those made by Legacy Stove, are intended to burn cleaner.
Burns Hotter Than Other Fossil Fuels
The British Thermal Unit, often known as BTUs, is used to quantify all resources that are utilized as fuels or to produce heat. The quantity of energy needed to produce 1,000,000 units of heat is used to compare them. Compared to the most widely used fuels, anthracite coal burns the hottest.
A Better Heat Source Than Wood Pellets
Premium wood pellets usually only 8,000 BTUs per pound, but anthracite typically has 12,500 BTUs per pound. Sawdust is used to create wood pellets, which are then crushed and dried. To produce sawdust from the source material and reduce the moisture level to 6%, current sources of wood pellet materials often demand large amounts of energy usage. Additionally, many kinds of wood pellets have high creosote content, which necessitates cleaning the standard pellet burner on a monthly (or perhaps daily!) basis to maintain performance. Due to their susceptibility to moisture, wood pellets are difficult to store. The logical option is anthracite because of its greater heat content, cheaper cost per BTU, less frequent necessary maintenance intervals, and simplicity of storage.
A Safer Choice Than Wood or Pellet Stoves
Stoves made of wood and pellets must be constantly checked, particularly if they are used for purposes other than supplementary heating. The longer you put off doing regular maintenance on your chimney or vent system, the greater the risk of creosote fires becomes. The environment and your house are both at risk from oil spills and following gas leaks, which are both frequent and harmful. Compare that to anthracite coal, which is the other supplementary heating method and essentially risk-free.
More Economical Than Other Alternative Fuel Sources
By selecting anthracite coal for your next heating investment, whether you’re heating your home, place of business, hospital, fire station, or greenhouse, you’ll save thousands of dollars every year. In comparison to other types of heating, it is also less costly to install and maintain. As an alternative fuel source, an anthracite coal-burning furnace or stove from Legacy Stoves is much more cost-effective than pellets, propane, gas, cord wood, oil, and kerosene.