All Coal Stoves

Super Magnum Stoker

Limited Lifetime Warranty
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Maximum BTUS


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Heating Area (SQ FT.)

1,000 - 4,000

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When it comes to coal heating, the Super Magnum Stoker goes above and beyond. Let your heating remain consistent with an advanced blower system and temperature controls. You can maintain the temperature of your room by simply setting the onboard thermostat to the desired temperature. It also allows you to spread warmth to other living spaces with venting options. Moreover, you can enjoy the calming view of the coal fire through the large window. UL approved for installation in mobile homes.

The Super Magnum Coal stove weighs 543 pounds thanks to its heavy welded steel body. All areas of this coal stoker are overengineered to maximize the stove’s life and efficiency. The integrated scraper system easily cleans the heavy steel welded heat exchanger. The scraper system removes fly ash buildup, maintaining efficiency all season long. The Super Magnum coal stove is the culmination of over 40 years of coal stove manufacturing.

The hopper of the Super Magnum Stoker can hold 110 lbs of rice-sized anthracite coal. This means no more waking up in the middle of the night to tend the fire. The 110 lbs of Anthracite can last up to 100 hours without the fire going out.

One issue with a stove in your house is cleanliness. The Super Magnum Stoker coal stove has the solution. The stove has a built-in filter that filters the air it is heating and pushing into your home. The 16″ x 16″ filter is straightforward to change. The fines tray is the other feature that makes the Super Magnum coal stove the cleanest operating unit. As the Verti-Flow Stoker feeds coal into the fire, small pieces of coal sneak through the cracks and can make a mess on the floor. This coal stove has a small fines tray to catch them before making a mess on the floor.

Super Magnum Stoker


Domestically discovered over 200 years ago in Pennsylvania, Anthracite coal is compact, dense, and known for having few impurities. Its low sulfur and high carbon content help make it exceptionally clean-burning and smoke-free.

Even better, Anthracite is less expensive than oil, less labor-intensive than firewood, and burns cleaner than both. Virtually no smoke or emissions are produced, and ashes can be safely recycled back into the environment, helping aerate soil or used as anti-skid material.


*shown with optional SS trim kit and slate tile
*Pricing is subject to additional fees and shipping charges*
Where to Buy

Vert-Flow Coal Stoker

Each piece of coal is burnt thoroughly and completely with the VertiFlowTM Stoker System. Amazing fire control, impressive burn times, and maximum heat are the trademarks of the VertiFlowTM stoker system. From the hopper, coal is fed and controlled automatically depending on the demands of the heating. This enables fuel to remain in extreme heat during the burn cycle. As a result, greater heating efficiency and less ash.

Video Explanation


Exhaust Sensing Probe Technology

Theadvanced Exhaust Sensing Probe (ESP) system is used by the Super Magnum Coal which delivers heating control with precision. To maintain set temperatures within 1 degree, the ESP system regularly monitors and changes the output of the heat accordingly.

110lbs Hopper

The large hopper gives you up to 100 hours of burn time per filling. Stainless steel hopper upgrade available.

Air Filter

An air filter located underneath the Super Magnum ensures the highest quality of air is circulated throughout your home.

Variable Speed Blower

With the combination of the ESP technology and a quiet, variable-speed blower the Super Magnum is guaranteed to give your home even heat all day long.

Hidden Leg Height Adjustment

The hidden leg height adjustment enables the installer to quickly level the Super Magnum without the use of ugly shims.

Model Specifications

BTU Hour/Input


Heating Capacity

2,000-5,300 sq ft.

Burn Time (Max)

100 hours

Fuel Type

Anthracite Rice Coal

Flue Size

6 inches

Blower Size


Weight (Standard)


Ash Pan


Glass Door


Adjustable Feet


Heat Collector



35 3/8"

Front Width

26 11/16"



Mobile Home Use


Efficiency Chart

Depending on the used type of fuel, the heat output will vary. Based on the utilized venting configuration and the type of fuel burned, the appearance of the ember and flame may vary. The product’s actual appearance, especially the flame may differ from the displayed image. For complete clearance requirements and specifications, please refer to the Owners Manual. Without notice, pricing and product specifications are subjected to change.

*Please refer to the owners/installation manual for listing information and testing. *For select products: Heating capacity must be used only as a guide. For assistance in deciding which product is best suited for your needs based on home efficiency and climate, be sure to see your local dealer.

†For wood-burning appliances: Based on how the appliance is operated, moisture content and used type of wood, load size, and installation, actual burn time will vary.

  • Stainless steel hopper
  • Brushed stainless steel trim kit
  • Decorative slate tiles – Available styles include Deer and Trail Riders
  • Heat transfer kit
  • Battery backup


  • Remove ashes and work cleaning rod. Requires 5 minutes to complete.


  • Clean viewing glass with a dry rag. Empty fines tray. Requires 5 minutes to complete.


  • Clean area beneath fire grates. Replace the air filter (16″x 16″). Requires 25 minutes to complete.


  • Clean and vacuum the entire firebox and hopper.
  • Clean and inspect venting, including the chimney and stove pipe.
  • Clean and inspect all motors and components.
    • Requires 30 minutes to complete

End of the season, before long idle periods, clean the entire unit to prevent corrosion.